August 6, 2024
Looking for a way to give back to your community and earn service hours? Look no further!
Worthington Libraries has volunteen programs during the school year and the summer.
Volunteens must be at least 12 years old or entering grades 7-12 in the fall.
School-year Volunteens
From September through June, typical activities include:
- Sorting and shelving library materials
- Assisting with special projects and producing materials for library programs
- Miscellaneous office work
Join us!
Ready to become a Volunteen? Fill out an application form and we’ll get back to you if you’re approved.
Summer Volunteens
From June through August, typical activities include:
- Face-to-face customer service interactions with library patrons joining the Summer Reading Club
- Assisting with special projects, as needed
Learn more!
For more information email teens@worthingtonlibraries.org.