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June 27, 2024
Chalkboard and eraser with the word RACISM erased
Resources can help with the long-overdue conversation about race relations in America

The mission of Worthington Librariesconnecting people to a world of ideas and each other—is so crucial in this moment in history. We believe our library must be a resource to encourage civil discourse that will allow our community to have the difficult, but necessary conversations to finally face the legacy of racial inequality, bias and a system that has left far too many behind for far too long. 

We have put together the following list of resources to help you get started and will look for additional ways to engage with our community around this issue. It is our hope that this is just the beginning of this important and long-overdue conversation.




Movies for families




Websites for teens

Great Stories Club

This collaboration between the American Library Association and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation explores race, identity and relationship-building.

How Much Racism Do You Face Every Day?

To see how your experience with discrimination compares with others', answer some of the questions in this New York Times quiz that were posed to 101 black teenagers as part of a study measuring the racism they face daily. (Hitting a paywall? Use our free access to the New York Times to read this article and more.)

YR Media

This network of young journalists and artists reports on stories from a teen's point of view and provides ways for teens to get involved in issues important to them.




Code Switch

An NPR podcast on race hosted by Shereen Marisol Meraji and Gene Demby.


A minority women owned and run weekly podcast featuring immigrants from all different walks of life sharing their immigrant experiences.

Learning for Justice

Each episode explores an aspect of a teaching tolerance topic or framework and is produced with educators in mind.

Militantly Mixed

A podcast about race and identity from the mixed race perspective.

This Land

This Crooked Media podcast tells the story of two crimes, committed nearly 200 years apart, that provide the backbone to a 2020 Supreme Court decision determining the fate of five tribes and nearly half the land in Oklahoma.



Racial Equity Tools

Tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level.

Get involved

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the U.S., U.K. and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

Campaign Zero

Funds donated to Campaign Zero support the analysis of policing practices across the country, research to identify effective solutions to end police violence, technical assistance to organizers leading police accountability campaigns and the development of model legislation and advocacy to end police violence nationwide.

Loveland Foundation

The Loveland Foundation was established in 2018 by Rachel Cargle to raise funds to make it possible for Black women and girls nationally to receive therapy support.

Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio

The Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio is devoted to preserving and restoring balance in the lives of Native Americans through traditional, cultural, educational and community-driven values.

Kara R

I am the library's digital experience manager. I like to read fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction and retellings, especially extra-long tomes. When it comes to music, give me anything with a groove and some soul. 

More by me