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General resources
General books about antiques and collectibles can be found in the 745.1s in both the circulating and reference collections. Books about selling items online, including antiques, are in the 658.87s. If you are trying to find local antique shops, you can look in the Yellow Pages, on directory sites such as or by going to search engines such as Google and searching for the word "antiques" plus the name of your city or ZIP code (e.g., "antiques Worthington Ohio").
Magazines can be found in alphabetical order in the periodicals area.
General price guides
Specialized identification and price guides
Care and restoration
Appraisers are another source you can turn to when trying to get a sense of an item's value. Some professional appraisal organizations maintain lists of members on their websites. Take a look at the home pages of the American Society of Appraisers and the International Society of Appraisers to find a local professional.
Appraisers can also be found in the Yellow Pages under "Appraisers," or by using search engines such as Google to search for appraisers plus the name of your city or ZIP code (e.g., "appraisers Worthington Ohio").
Bear in mind that there are many different kinds of appraisers. Before you consult an individual, make sure she or he has experience with antiques and collectibles. And don't forget, professionals usually charge a fee for their services.