Resolution number

Effective date

  1. Personal Card

    Personal cards are issued free of charge to Ohio residents. The person, parent or guardian for those under 18 is responsible for all use of the card, in accordance with the Worthington Libraries Borrower's Guide. You may fill out an application in-person at any of our library locations or you can apply online.

  2. Organization/Business Card

    Any agency, company, school or organization located within Ohio is eligible for an organization/business card. The card application must be submitted with a letter from the institution’s finance director, treasurer or appropriate administrator indicating financial responsibility for all materials borrowed and any charges the card acquires. This card is mailed to the finance director, treasurer or appropriate administrator.

  3. Educator Card

    Educator Cards give teachers the ability to borrow materials for classrooms without using personal library cards. These cards are issued to certified public, private and parochial school teachers (K-12) including substitute teachers, school administrators, school librarians, school media specialists (K-12), Head Start Programs and preschool or day care instructors. In addition to normal borrowing privileges (see Borrower's Guide), Educator Cards allow one lost item to be waived per school year.

    The Educator Card expires every three years. To continue to be eligible, patrons must provide proof of being an educator, such as a valid work ID or recent paystub.

  4. Student Card

    Student Cards are available to students through their classroom in certified public, private and parochial schools. These cards assist students in accessing resources for use in completing school work, but do have fewer borrowing capabilities than personal cards (see Borrower's Guide).

  5. Web Only Card

    Web Only Cards give Ohio residents access to digital resources without needing to visit the library to obtain a library card. Physical materials (books, etc.) cannot be checked out with a Web Only Card.

  6. Limited Access Card

    Limited Access Cards are available to any person visiting library over the age of 18, or with consent from a parent or guardian for those under 18, for the purpose of printing, copying, and using library computers. Materials cannot be checked out using a Limited Access Card.